Donna PackardIt’s time for something different and it begins with YOU! Accepting your self is where you find what you have been seeking and where you discover your greatest freedom.
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A Full Circle Celebration!
Greetings! As I sat down prepared to write a new blog post this morning, I noticed that the last post from me was about the song ‘Breathing Together’. At that time, I was honoring my long-time musical partner, Scott Cheney, who did this project with me and had crossed over. And, now, interestingly, I am writing about the same song! Apparently, I have come full circle! And, to me, it is a sign that the timing is so right for me to be back on this track! As some of you may recall, at one time, I was calling my
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A gift for you: Just Imagine! One People, One Planet, One Heart Breathing Together!
Greetings! With the crossing over this week of my long time dear friend and musical partner, Scott Cheney, I was reminded of the amazing musical projects we collaborated on with one another over the span of many years, a lifetime really. One of these projects was a song called ‘Breathing Together’ where we brought together voices of all ages to sing and breathe together. I am sharing in memory of Scott and so that you might join in the song and sing him along the path along his new journey, sending him along surrounded with LOVE. In this time of
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Winter Solstice: A Ritual to Light Up the Dream in Your Heart!
Happy Holiday Greetings to You! With Winter Solstice right around the corner, we are moving into a very powerful time. It is the time of the rebirth of the sun. The days have become shorter and shorter, and soon the tides will turn to shift to where the days become longer again. This happens on the Winter Solstice, when the Light is born again. It is born again in all things and in each of us. (Here in New Hampshire, the Winter Solstice is on December 21st at 11:49 PM EST. In Universal Coordinate time, it is Tuesday, December 22nd
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Are You Afraid of Dying?
Why is death so frightening for most people? At this time of year, when the leaves are falling off the trees and things are ‘dying’ and winter is upon us, I am reminded of the natural cycles of life. Nature has so much to teach us. It accepts death as a natural part of life. It knows that it is merely a natural part of the ongoing cycle of life, death and rebirth. It knows this is a natural transformation of energy that is happening. Nothing is really dying for nothing ever really dies. As Einstein once taught us, energy
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Let Your Blessings Light Up Your Heart
I recently was interviewed by Melissa Boyd on her Spiritual Tools radio show. She asked me what my favorite spiritual tool is. It was hard to choose! There are many wonderful tools that help me to stay centered in my heart and that remind me to move back into a state of Presence and well-being. As mentioned on the show, one of my favorites lately has been writing in a Blessings Journal each day. I used to keep a Blessings Journal daily, though hadn’t done that for some years. Recently, I came across one and found that it was so
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Lots to share! Updates, Freebies & Radio Show….
I hope this finds you well and that you had a fantastic summer! I apologize that I have been kind of ‘missing in action’ so to speak and not in touch for awhile. I want to take this time to share what I’ve been up to and to alert you about a radio show I will be on this week and offer you a special opportunity to get yourself a whole bunch of free gifts! I traveled in the spring to Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah with my sister and niece. If you are an animal lover
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“Don’t Miss the Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Giveaway- Hundreds of Free Health & Wellness Related Products, Services & Memberships
I wanted to let you know today about a Health and Wellness site that will allow you to download 100’s of self help gifts. And the best part is that it is absolutely FREE! I am participating and wanted you to know about this amazing opportunity! If you’ve had enough of plodding along year after year and you want to make this your BEST ever year, then you need to go here: The 5th annual Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Gifts will be open only for a VERY LIMITED TIME from June 1st to June 26th, 2015. When you go
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Are You Happy Now?
Do you feel like something is missing or that you are ‘not enough’ in some way? Are you caught up in trying to live up to an image of how you ‘should’ be, what you ‘should’ look like, how much money you ‘should’ be making, etc.? Do you believe you are not successful? Maybe you think the only way to be a success is to look like a star on TV or be like people in the movies or have a fancy house or car and lots of money or to be famous or to live up to something your
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Are You Ready to Tap Into Flowing Rivers of Abundance?
What comes to mind when you think of ‘abundance’? Do you regard abundance as ‘wealth, wealth as related to money? True wealth is an abundance of valuable resources that allow you the freedom to do what you would like to do. In addition to money, you might also have a wealth of love, kindness, health, joy, support, nourishing food, shelter, transportation, friends, creativity, talents and gifts, skills and expertise, and many other kinds of riches. You have a wealth of valuable minutes each day and an abundance of oxygen to breathe, which holds within it the infinite blessings of the creative
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