Donna Packard is now accepting a few new private coaching clients.
These highly transformative sessions with Donna will shift your vibrational frequency to highly accelerate your personal and spiritual growth.
You set the intention while being held in the energetic field of Divine Love.
Donna supports you to:
- Uncover your life purpose, or Heart Mission
- Determine what you want in your life and how to take the steps to realize your dreams
- Shift you out of the density of stuck emotional and energetic patterns so you may step into a life of PURPOSE, JOY, FREEDOM, and ABUNDANT LIVING
Each Transformational Coaching session includes a Spirit Blessings energy transmission. This is energy transmission shifts your vibrational field to move you out of dense, stuck patterns that you may have held onto for a long time. It opens you to the flow of Divine Love and Grace.
In this expanded state of consciousness, you Open the Door to Your Soul, Connect to Inner Guidance and Activate Your Spiritual Power. You open your heart, shift your energy, recognize your inner beauty, attune to a higher level of consciousness and begin to see your life in a whole new way. You step into living the dream in your Heart.
Sessions are done remotely by phone, Zoom or Skype.
For more information and to schedule your session, write Please state why you wish to take advantage of this special, and transformative, opportunity at this time.
Hi, looking for help for adult son who is an empath who is struggling with drug addiction . Is this the type of person you could help and if so what are your fees
Hi, I am so sorry I did not see your post sooner. It sounds like your son may first need to work on the drug addiction and getting help with that through a rehab. program, 12 step programs and/or counselors. Some of my offerings may be helpful for him, such as this guided breath and relaxation meditation. He can listen at this link: Also, he may feel free to email me to talk about being an empath if he would like, no charge and sign up for my email list as I wll be sharing some free, and other offerings and programs soon that may be of interest to him. That will keep him in the loop – and/or you:
Blessings, Donna