I hope this finds you well and that you had a fantastic summer! I apologize that I have been kind of ‘missing in action’ so to speak and not in touch for awhile. I want to take this time to share what I’ve been up to and to alert you about a radio show I will be on this week and offer you a special opportunity to get yourself a whole bunch of free gifts!
I traveled in the spring to Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah with my sister and niece. If you are an animal lover and want an incredible experience in one of the most beautiful places in the world, aptly named Angel Canyon, you have got to do this! I volunteered in Cat World, and in Dog Town (“a gated community”, by the way:-)) at Puppy Preschool and with Old Friends (senior dogs). And we took a dog home with us for an overnight visit to stay with us at the house we were renting. His name is Phinney, who was just the sweetest dog, and we recently heard the great news that he has been adopted and
has a new home.
We also spent time in Zion and visited some slot canyons too. Las Vegas was in the mix too as we flew in and out and stayed those nights there—yet we all felt the same that the experience in Kanab was so much more meaningful. Here’s a picture of my niece, Haley, with one of the cutest puppies ever and me with one of the old friends.
Also, I recently returned from two weeks in Tucson and Sedona. It was also a fantastic trip! We went to the hummingbird festival in Sedona and what amazing creatures they are! Did you know they weigh no more than a penny? And what a magical experience to spend time with so many of them flying around us and also hanging out with us when in Tucson too at a fantastic place, the Desert Museum. I had tea there one morning with George, one of our favorites. He is just the cutest thing and hung out the whole time with us and even seemed like he was flirting with us a bit.They certainly are a blessing that brings joy and magical experiences. Also, we had fun chasing sunsets and watching monsoon rains and storms in the distance, and saw rainbows and spent time taking lots of pictures and made new friends.
I had some pretty incredible experiences in Sedona. One thing that happened was that one evening, I was sitting on my bed and suddenly transcended into this place that was so beautiful and where some of the red rocks turned to magnificent waterfalls and I became what I would describe as pure consciousness. All of the things of this world dropped away and it was the most freeing experience. It’s hard to put into words to describe this place I was ‘transported’ into and the feeling of having no old patterns, no personality issues, no body, no limitations, no restrictions of any kind, as if they all fell away…into simply just pure consciousness in this incredibly beautiful place, yet fully me at the same time—only free of all the ‘stuff’ we carry around with us in this earthly experience, no judgments, no concerns, just a total state of Being. So freeing and simply amazing! There are no words to do the experience justice, truly a mystical experience beyond words.
I also was guided and inspired in new ways with some exciting things I will be sharing with you and offering over the course of this fall and winter. One of the things I will be offering to you was sparked by a Sedona vortex experience that reminded me there really is magic all around if we pay attention and so much more going on than sometimes meets the eye. Can’t wait to share these things with you when they are ready and the timing is right! Get ready to make a vibrational shift to a whole new level!
One of the most important things that keeps coming more and more clear to me is how important it is that each one of us recognizes our magnificence and how essential it is that we learn to love ourselves. And, you are going to find that when you start to truly love yourself, when you start to embrace fully who you are and freely express yourself in your unique way and your unique gifts into the world, your world is going to change in incredible ways. This is the way we shall transform the world around us.
Be sure to tune in Melissa Boyd’s Spiritual Tools radio show on Thursday night. She interviewed me this week and it is airing on Thursday, September 3rd at 7 PM Eastern time (4 PM PT). The show will also be archived to listen to at this link anytime if you cannot listen in on Thursday night. For more details and to listen go to the link below or call in to listen at 1-657-383-0484.
On the show, I will be sharing more about the importance of loving yourself and also guide listeners through a ‘breathing with the divine’ experience that opens you to your own Divine Nature. This is the place where you access your unlimited potential….and everyone listening gets a free ‘Relaxing With the Breath’ guided meditation…so be sure to tune in!
And, this week the doors open on September 2nd to Your Divine Biz Giveaway where you can immediately access multitudes of FREE gifts from …. a whole bunch of top-level spiritual entrepreneurs will be giving away a ton of free products and services at no cost to you. Be sure to check it out at:
Sending you many blessings and holding you in the vibrational field of Divine Love,
Donna Packard, Spirit Blessings Coach
It’s time for something different and it begins with YOU! Accepting your self is where you find what you have been seeking and where you discover your greatest freedom.
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