With the crossing over this week of my long time dear friend and musical partner, Scott Cheney, I was reminded of the amazing musical projects we collaborated on with one another over the span of many years, a lifetime really.
One of these projects was a song called ‘Breathing Together’ where we brought together voices of all ages to sing and breathe together.
I am sharing in memory of Scott and so that you might join in the song and sing him along the path along his new journey, sending him along surrounded with LOVE.
In this time of such unrest in our country, politically and otherwise, and in the world, the timing for sharing this message seems so appropriate. So, I also am writing to ask you to look deeply into your hearts as you choose the political leader for our country who portrays the values of caring, honesty, integrity, love, equality, and justice…
We are moving into a new place of consciousness and there is a lot of unrest as many do not understand what is happening and are trying to hold onto the old ways of being … ways of power over, greed, fear, racism, sexism, bullying and an old paradigm that no longer is working…
Some of the candidates seem to be clearly mirroring to us this old way of being..perpetuating separation – an ‘us’ and ‘them’ mentality, violence, sexism…and it seems the fear many people are feeling in this world that is so full of unrest, is pulling them into this illusion of safety in this choice they see as the answer, the change, the way out, the security…
I ask you, “Is this old way of ‘power over’ really the world you want to continue creating?…
Isn’t it time for something different?.“..
Are you ready to step out of the love of power paradigm we have been playing out for so long and into a higher consciousness that mirrors the ‘Power of Love’ instead?…
I know I am.
I believe as we each make these shifts within ourselves, as we open to love and accept ourselves and one another and remember our Divine nature…as we move more and more into a place of LOVE… our vibrational patterns, or energy fields, shift and transform…
And, where we all are breathing the same breath, the breath that gives us life and holds within it the creative Spirit…
as we each breathe in this state of Loving Presence…
it surely does have to affect the web of life to which we are all connected.
We are in this together. Separation is surely not the answer.
Today, in this moment, I invite you to close your eyes, move into a place of LOVE and Divine Presence, and breathe Divine Love into every cell of your body, into your Heart and expand this Love to embrace the world around you. Begin to see Love in all things. Truly, Love is All There Is and Love is All That Remains.
In this moment, breathe deeply into your belly,
allow your body to relax,
Enjoy this song and please feel free to pass it on and share it with the world. Breathe in a consciousness of Unity. We are all in this together.
Here is the link to the song:
Listen here: Breathing Together by Creative Spirit
Download Mp3 here:
Breathing Together by Creative Spirit, written by Donna Packard, performed by Donna Packard, Scott Cheney & friends
Many blessings,
Donna Packard
Spirit Blessings Coach and Transformational Facilitator
Here are the lyrics to ‘Breathing Together’
Breathing Together
Written by Donna Packard, copyright 2010. All rights reserved.
Do you know we breathe same breath?
We all share the life force.
We breathe with those who lived before us.
And with those whose lives are to come.
We are in this together
One People, One Planet, One Heart!
Breathing Love with generations to come
And all on this planet with us
We’re breathing together
Breathing together as One
Breathing together
Breathing together as One
When I hurt you, I’m hurting myself
We are the same life energy
You are my mirror
Reflecting what’s inside of me.
We’re breathing together
Breathing together as One
Breathing together
Breathing together as One
About this song:
This song originally came from an inspiration from Spirit through me – an evolutionary, revolutionary idea that involves YOU and all of us. Imagine One People, One Planet, One Heart Breathing Together.
We all breathe the same breath. We are all connected to the same Source or life force.
What if together, we have the capability to ‘breathe life’ into a new way of being?
Consider this: There is so much more beyond what we know… And, we tend to focus on the 1% of what makes us different and forget the 99% where we are the same…We are all a part of the same life energy…
We are all a part of the same life energy…
And…if you wonder if there may be something more than what we now understand
…just go outside and look at the stars!
Keep in mind that you breathe with all living things. And you share the same argons of oxygen that those who lived before you breathed, including Gandhi, Jesus, and Buddha. It’s fascinating to consider…
It’s also fascinating that you also breathe the same breath as the generations to follow us!
What do you want to breathe life into for our future generations?
The impact of what you and we, together, ‘breathe life into’ at this time is HUGE!
What if…
by opening ourselves to the flow of this inner source of life energy that dwells within all of this Divine Presence…to the flow of Divine Love…
We discover a new way of being that offers simple solutions to such things as creation of peace on this planet.
What if it’s as simple as our getting out of the way with our old ways of thinking?
Perhaps it is time to allow something new to unfold!
As Einstein said, “ A problem cannot be solved in the same consciousness that created it.”
An evolution is a process of change to something new. A revolution is a change in the way of thinking, a shift to a new way of being, a new paradigm.
To join in Breathing Peace, you join in a movement that is an evolution revolution, moving us to a new state of consciousness, a higher frequency…where we resonate with Divine Love and Peace.
The old ways are no longer working… our current political and world situations are surely mirroring this to us.
Join in the Breathe Peace movement…Breathe Peace today.
A world of joy, peace and love is in our hands.
As the saying goes, “We are the ones that we have been waiting for.”
A special thank you to all who shared their voices to bring this song to life:
Jim Ayer, Molly Brigham, Reggie Cooley, Cindy Gallant, Janet Heartson, John Heartson, Barbara Hero, Danielle Hyde, Ixaac Kibbie, Maeva Kibbie, Melissah Rayno, Sher Loomis, Peg Losee, Claire Packard, Clarissa Parker, Bob Peterson, Pam Peterson, Melissa Potter, Seamus Potter, Denise Cossingham Quimby, Erica Rock, Laurie Swift-Runnals, Elizabeth Ryan, Kerrie Ryan, Don Simard, Jennifer Simard, Joan Simard, Kevin Simard, Colleen Taylor, Haley Tucker, Terri Packard Tucker, Wayne Tucker
It’s time for something different and it begins with YOU! Accepting your self is where you find what you have been seeking and where you discover your greatest freedom.
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