I recently was interviewed by Melissa Boyd on her Spiritual Tools radio show. She asked me what my favorite spiritual tool is. It was hard to choose! There are many wonderful tools that help me to stay centered in my heart and that remind me to move back into a state of Presence and well-being. As mentioned on the show, one of my favorites lately has been writing in a Blessings Journal each day. I used to keep a Blessings Journal daily, though hadn’t done that for some years. Recently, I came across one and found that it was so
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Lots to share! Updates, Freebies & Radio Show….
I hope this finds you well and that you had a fantastic summer! I apologize that I have been kind of ‘missing in action’ so to speak and not in touch for awhile. I want to take this time to share what I’ve been up to and to alert you about a radio show I will be on this week and offer you a special opportunity to get yourself a whole bunch of free gifts! I traveled in the spring to Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah with my sister and niece. If you are an animal lover
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