Do you feel like something is missing or that you are ‘not enough’ in some way? Are you caught up in trying to live up to an image of how you ‘should’ be, what you ‘should’ look like, how much money you ‘should’ be making, etc.? Do you believe you are not successful? Maybe you think the only way to be a success is to look like a star on TV or be like people in the movies or have a fancy house or car and lots of money or to be famous or to live up to something your
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Are You Ready to Tap Into Flowing Rivers of Abundance?
What comes to mind when you think of ‘abundance’? Do you regard abundance as ‘wealth, wealth as related to money? True wealth is an abundance of valuable resources that allow you the freedom to do what you would like to do. In addition to money, you might also have a wealth of love, kindness, health, joy, support, nourishing food, shelter, transportation, friends, creativity, talents and gifts, skills and expertise, and many other kinds of riches. You have a wealth of valuable minutes each day and an abundance of oxygen to breathe, which holds within it the infinite blessings of the creative
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